Will of yah ministries

will of yah ministries founded by timmy lee gleen led of the holy spirit was started in 2024. simply a man with a fire for god that wants to get the gospel message across to everyone the most high sends, also to speak the truth of the word in love. we are just getting started and endeavoring to do some great things for the kingdom. i pray whomever come across this page is blessed and edified in these blessed messages led by the holy spirit! more updates on the way, until the may the most high bless you in yahusha (jesus) name!!

Being led of the holy spirit part 2

Being led of the holy spirit part 1

the negative effects of pornography

400 years part 1

the narrow path

the spirit of jezebel part 2

the spirit of jezebel part 1

friendship with the world

members of christ/temples of the holy spirit

the dangers of being misled on the internet