welcome to my website! since you’re here you should learn about my story here.

My Name is Timmy Lee Gleen, I was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. I am a filmmaker/creative (rap, sing, play guitar, dance, fashion). When I was 8 I started singing and practiced acting whenever I found time by myself. It was extremely difficult living in a house with four siblings, mother, father, and grandmother but I did. I started freestyle rapping with my twin brother when I was 14; when I was 15 my late best friend from high school motivated me to really want to rap and I’ve been doing it ever since. Started recording at 19 and recorded 10 music projects over the span of 10 years. At 20 I decided to drop out of my first semester of college to pursue a music career and to study the business aspect of music as well. Over the years I performed around many places locally and started to even gain internet attention/label interests from some major entities. Becoming a father changed how I wanted to approach my music career. By 2017 I was looking at my third child, lost in life, even left my children behind to find myself during a very dark time in my life. I’ve dealt with homelessness, sleeping house to house while struggling to spend time with my children, and the struggles of the hungry artist. February 2019 I received a sign from God to go to the Bible, and since then I’ve been obsessed with reading it, learning it, and a strong desire to want to teach it to others. Since 2020 happened, I received custody of my 3 children, left my job and started 3 businesses (GOD’S WILL PRODUCTION COMPANY LLC, GOD’S WILL CLOTHING COMPANY LLC and GOD’S WILL RECORDS), began my walk with Christ, had extra time to spend with my family, work towards getting my life together and build on my personal brand. My final music project while in the world “Almost 30” was released June 2020 to serve as a final testimony before striving to truly live for God (reason I left it on the site). May 2021 I released my first music project “Christian Rapper” for the glory of God and the beginning of a new testimony creatively. After 2 years of walking with God, I gained the inspiration to change my name yet again from “Timmy” to “SetApartTimmy”. I’ll admit it took a lot of sacrifice to take these leaps of faith but I’m so glad I did! Now, I ask that you join me on this new journey of filmmaking and creating new music for the glory of God. I humbly thank you for visiting my website, you could be anywhere else but chose this space to be in. I hope you enjoy the content, I will be uploading frequently. God bless!